Friday, September 18, 2009

Button Thingy For Ms Wendi Winn

So, look at the bottom left of this bloggy thingy. Not totally at the bottom. See that pink car button with some words on it. That's my friend Winn. She's funny. But only when she's not talking about poo. Unless your just into that sorta thing. Some of you are. I got my eyes on you....yes you. Got a problem with it. Go see Wendi Winn. Maybe she'll give you stuff.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This is a Test

This is a test of the not-so-emergency blogg-thingy at the bottom of my browser. It's a Firefox plugin and I'm just seein' how easy it is to have it post a blog entry of nominal importance in the case that there were a REAL emergency.

Wow. This ScribeFire thing IS pretty easy.

Awww...keewwwwl....I was AT the ScribeFire site when I made that link (above), and when I clicked on the little button thingy, it copied in the URL of the page I was at. Man I am easily amused.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wonder, Plunder, Pish-Posh!

Sometimes I wonder. I'm sure everyone wonders, but sometimes I wonder if other people wonder in such different ways than me so as to make me look strange, making them look normal.

Lately I wonder if I would be able to let my kids actually grow up. I'm still in the mode where all those "adult content" things should and will never be seen by them. I'm not talking about the really grown up stuff. Just normal things like "kissing in bed"...EEEK! And since I see my own kids as not knowing those things, I think that all kids that dont say they know those things, actually dont know those things.

Now I'm beginning to wonder. Wonder when I have to have that "talk". Wonder when I have to worry about accidentally walking in on something I don't want to see!! AAAck!!

And I still treat them like little kids. Asking them if they need to use the restroom (I have switched from saying potty). Telling them not to do this or that cause they could get hurt, which, sure, sounds like a good rule of thumb. But I wonder if by not letting them scratch themselves up with a minor boo-boo prevents them from learning the limits of their own bodies. I wonder if it keeps them from being a "kid".

I'm beginning to wonder if wondering is worry's cousin or its reflection in the mirror. And then I know that I'm normal, for now.
